Thursday, December 28, 2006

New to the blog...

I am new to the blog world and while a part of me is trying to figure out if I have something worthwhile to share...
Another part of me realizes that if I took the trouble to actually start this blog...I must feel as if I have something to say. What made me go hmmm....was actually deciding if I have something I wanted to share with the rest of the world. Obviously I realize the "world" is not interested in me...however, just as I am curious about these blogs I see and read...others will be curious (a bit perhaps) about me.
Today I am back to work and trying to focus. But being between Christmas and New Year''s difficult. There's still the holiday feeling around, just toned down. Work for me has slowed and hence...the blog mentality strikes. Usually I am so busy at work as to be slightly (okay...more than slightly) crazy!
My mother-in-law gave me a new journal for a gift and I thought I would use this blog in that fashion...perhaps! Depends on how brave and brazen I am.
Life as a wife/mother of a 5 year old/ worker bee ( I am in sales)/ volunteer trying to find deeper meaning to my life is why I am here! Hopefully I will eventually have something meaningful to share and hopefully others will too! Welcome and thanks for stopping by!

if you would like to use any of my pictures...please ask first. Thanks!