Sunday, February 11, 2007

My Kid

Last week my five year old was in a unusually agreeable mood for 3 straight days! Now I don't know if you know the significance of this...
but let me tell you it was BIG!
My son is a really good kid even day to day...but let's face it...he's 5 years old! Most of the time a 5 year old is sort of like a psychotic beginning medication. A moody, disagreeable, sweet, tender, funny, nasty, silly little creature who can simultaneously bring you to tears, laughter, and gross you out! Being a good parent and trying to raise a decent human being is life greatest when you get a couple of days of "unusually agreeable" it is something worth writing about! Are there others out there who have experienced this? Why is this not in the mommy handbook? I was taken completely off guard by my little person's imitation of the Dahli Lama. I was unprepared for No mini tantrums, No arguments, No it actually took a couple of days for the realization to kick it. (I must confess that for a few hours on the third day I actually started to attribute this delightfully easy boy to my outstanding parenting skills.) Then I woke up! And so did he! 3 days was about all he had in him...and then my usual capricious 5 year old returned!
I had to put it down here though to remind myself it really did take place and perhaps that congenial little person will return soon!

if you would like to use any of my pictures...please ask first. Thanks!