Friday, December 11, 2009

Being a 1st Grade Teacher

For my new 2nd career, I went back to school for a year to get my teaching degree. I got my dream job teaching at the school where I student taught. And I was hired to work with the 1st grade team that I student taught with. So I am in heaven...
And exhausted...
My class keeps me young...but wrangling 20 six year olds can be funny, serious, difficult, eye-opening and the most rewarding job I have ever had. I have never had a job where I have experienced every single emotion I am capable of in one day! Sometimes it feels like I am living in a juvenile soap opera! I now totally get "Lord of the Flies"!
But I am loving it and loving the kids! They entertain me, amaze me, make me laugh, make me smile, make me cringe, and humble me. I am privileged to be a teacher!

Monday, May 18, 2009

2nd Career Teacher

I am waiting to hear about a couple of teaching jobs I applied for! Being out of a J.O.B. makes me nervous...and it makes my husband really nervous! I have been working, for the most part, for the past 30 years!!! Damn...did I just write that...30! I now officially sound like my mother.
ANYWAY...I passed my certification tests, completed my student teaching and have had 2 interviews...hence the wait. And while trying to keep a positive attitude is what is best for is tough.
This is the career I really want!!! I have been selling for so long, and now in my 40's realize what I really want to do...really! So, I send out applications and wait to hear. Meanwhile I clean, work in the yard, clean, run errands, clean, try not to spend money, and geez...clean!
However, I refuse to vacuum the floors more than once per week...just to have something to do!
And do I will just continue to play the waiting game with my positive attitude tucked in my bra...and clean!

if you would like to use any of my pictures...please ask first. Thanks!